Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 38.djvu/892

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Quatrefages, Armand de. The Peopling of America 305

Ray, Anna O. Pupils or Machines? (Corr.) 119
Reading, Unnatural. (Corr.) V. M. Berthold 266
Relations of Men of Science to the General Public, The. T. C. Mendenhall 19
Religious Teaching in the Public Schools. (Editor's Table) 554
Remley, Hubert, and C. D. Jameson. The Relative Value of Cements 663
Reversion; or Arrested Development. (Misc.) 856
Revolvers, The Taxation of. (Misc.) 572
Reymond, Emil Du Bois-. Adelbert von Chamisso as a Naturalist. (With Portrait) 252
Road Improvement, Photographs in Aid of. (Misc.) 854
Root-tip, The.* F. L. Sargent 31

Sargent, Frederick L. The Root-tip* 31
Sausages, Horse. (Misc.) 430
Schliemann, Dr. Henry T.* 803
School Life in Relation to Growth and Health. Axel Key 107
Science and Civilization. (Editor's Table) 703
Science, Value of, in Industries. (Misc.) 857
Seeds, Green, and Early Fruit. (Misc.) 428
Sensations of Pleasure and Pain, The. E. H. Kisch 243
Serpents, Infant. (Misc.) 715
Serviss, Garrett P. Star-streams and Nebulæ* 338
Sheldon, Samuel. The Storage of Electricity* 355
Shells, Floridian, Evolution in. (Misc.) 574
Shinn, Charles Howard. Social Changes in California 794
Sisal, Cultivation of, in the Bahamas.* J. I. Northrop 606
Slater, J. W. Laws of Government among the Lower Animals 677
Smith, Horace J. Antiseptic Treatment and Sir Joseph Lister. (Corr.) 119
Smith, Margaret K. A Defense of Mechanical Teaching. (Corr.) 265
Socialism, Supposed Tendencies to. W. Graham 577
Solomon Islands. A Young Trader of the. (Misc.) 428
Sparrows and Robins. (Misc.) 860
Spectra, The, of the Metals. (Misc.) 717
Spencer, Herbert. From Freedom to Bondage 721
"The Origin of Music 1
Spencer's Philosophy, The Influence of. (Corr.) G. A. Cuadrados 264
Spiders, Burrowing, Defenses of.* H. C. McCook 189
Spiders, Poisonous. (Misc.) 137
Star, The History of a. J. N. Lockyer 66
Star-streams and Nebulas.* G. P. Serviss 338
State, The Tyranny of the. S. W. Cooper 622
Street-cleaning in Large Cities. E. Clark 748

Talbott, Laura O. Individual Economics. (Corr.) 407
Tarantula, The. (Misc.) 136
Tea, Chinese and Indian. (Misc.) 715
Teaching, Mechanical, A Defense of. (Corr.) M. K. Smith 265
Telegraphy, An Early Form of. (Misc.) 286