Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/946

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��Popular Science Monthly


��An Old Barn Converted into a Tractor Shed

HE accompanying

��illustration shows a very novel and efficient tractor shed which was made from a part of an old barn by removing the upper part of the barn and constructing a roof over the lower part in which the horses and cat- tle were former- ly kept. Since the traction en- gine did not eat hay or food, the top part of the barn was not needed.

The present roof of the shed just about

���In this instance the lower part of the old bam made an excellent tractor shed also a cool place for storing gasoline level with


on a

the general surface of the ground and does not intrude itself upon the view. The traction engine is kept in the lower half of the shed which has been dug a little deeper in order to give more head room, and the other half is used for the storage of implements and tools. It also contains a tank in which can be stored i,ooo gal. of gasoline.

A large pipe runs from this gasoline tank up through the roof and the tank may be filled from the outside. This type of shed is very neat. — Hamilton A. Hooper.

��How to Patch an Aluminum Crank-Case

WHILE riding over a rough road I ran over a sharp stone which struck the bottom of the crank-case with such force

that it punched

a hole in the metal, thereby letting out all the oil from the engine. I took the machine to the nearest re- pair shop and was told that an aluminum crank -case could not be mended, and that it would be necessary for me to purchase a new one. I did not like the idea of order-

��The Right Knot for Making a Slip- Noose About a Bundle


��HEN tying a large bundle first loop the cord about it and fasten the tie; then carry the cord around as needed. The right knot for this first loop — one that draws tight and does not slip — is tied as shown in the illustration. The knot is then drawn together and the loop tightened around the bundle. Then pro- ceed with the cording. — Tudor Jenks.

��ing a new crank-case and waiting for two or three weeks to get it, so I decided to try the noble art of patching. I took the punc- tured part off, cleaned off all the oil and dirt, then with a mallet I drove the inside until it was almost out to place. I then poured hot lead in the cracks and crevices on the inside and did more pounding, al- ways keeping plenty of lead in the crevices until I had the dent out perfectly smooth. There was no hole as the lead had filled all cracks and was pounded in. Then by carefully dressing the place I had a patch which was scarcely noticeable. The machine was used for years and the break never gave any trouble, and could be detected only by careful examination. — C. A. Spaeser.

���Knot for a slip-noose around a bundle

��Making a Paint that will Stand Washing

TO make a washable water paint, mix 25 lb. of the best whiting with 2^^ gal. of water and let it stand overnight. The best way is to pour the water on the whiting and not mix it. The water per- colating through the mass during the night makes a smooth paste. Work the mixture into one gal. of raw linseed oil. This is best done with the hands. The paste may then be thinned to paint consistency with oil, turpentine and driers. The paint will have sufficient gloss to be attractive and will wear well on inside work.

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