Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/947

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�By Thomas Lappin

��SIMPLICITY, convenience and com- pactness are the general features of this economical house. It has a large front porch facing east, door cas- ing of light oak, body of house cream color trimmed with white, and shingles light green.

The entrance is in a small reception hall or vestibule with a long mirror behind the front door covering the stairway. There is a small hall or passage way from the vestibule to the kitchen, allowing a person to enter the kitchen without going through the living-room. This hall is seldom found in small houses. The basement door when opened closes the opening in the hall to the vestibule. There is also an outside basement door.

Between the vestibule and the large living-room are two pedestal bookcases 4 ft. high. The living-room may also be used as a dining-room, upon special oc- casions, and instead of removing the dishes after luncheon the table with its load is pushed into the kitchen through a sF>ecial opening. This opening is covered with a wall panel in two sections, the lower sliding up like a window sash mside the upper half, leaving ample room for a large table to pass through. There is a small buffet near the fireplace with drawers below for the table linen.

The fireplace is set on the inside and the heat from the hot bricks in the back helps to keep the bathroom warm. However, a small hot water furnace heats the house.

��There is sufficient inside wall space for a piano and a corner for the bed davenport.

A wood lift is built in the wall near the range. It is filled in the basement with a day's supply of fuel and drawn up where it is handy for the range. Above the lift are cupboards. The kitchen has plenty of cup- boards, bins and drawers. The iceless re- frigerator in the corner has cold water coils for shelves, and fresh air draft passes up through them. The drain board to the left covers a wash tray. This room is light and airy, and to save steps the table is set near the rear window, except when it is used in the living-room for guests.

The bathroom is always warm, as it is heated from the hot water tank, which is placed in it, and the back of the fireplace. It contains cupboards, cabinets and a corner washbowl. The doors to the bath- room when opened effectually screen the bathtub and form a passageway to the bedroom. The toilet is in a separate room where it can be ventilated from the outside without cooling the bathroom.

The plumbing is not put in for the con- venience of the plumber, but for the house- wife only, and if properly protected it will not freeze. Another new feature is the dressing-room set off from the bedroom. A long mirror may be set in the corner be- tween the two small windows. The bed- room can be reached from the living-room or the kitchen.

The entrance to the stairway to the sec- ond floor is cleverly concealed by the mirror


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