Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/948

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��Popular Science Monthly

��door. There are two bedrooms for the children, or for guests, as the case may be, with a hall between them. In this hall back of the chimney is an extra toilet for the upper floor. It is lighted by a sky- light. From the rear room there is an entrance to a small sleeping-porch. There are plenty of closets and storage rooms. The furnace, though small, provides ample heat. It has a thermostat and a thermome- ter to regulate and register the heat. Different contractors have figured the

��were hinged together, and a burlap blanket was stretched across the entire ring and stitched to it. Over the entire lower surface of this burlap, strips of felt or canton flannel were stitched 2 in. apart, each strip being cut into 2-in. sections 3 in. long and hung from the burlap.

These hovers are 5 ft. in diameter — large enough to cover 225 or 250 chicks — the usual' results from a 300-egg incubator. They are set in the laying pens which will house the pullets when raised. Two small




��Floor plans of a very unique five-room bungalow built for comfort and convenience

cost of this house where the specifications called for a double constructed, windproof, full cement basement, all built-in con- veniences, electric lights, gas, water, furnace, and first-class workmanship, to be from $1,200 to $1,400.

��A Chicken Brooder That Does Not Require Heat

A POULTRY farmer of Utah, who every spring raises several thousand chickens to keep up a large flock of hens, has dis- carded a rather expensive brooder house with fine heating equipment and now uses a very simple cold brooder. The saving of labor in controlling the chicks, the elimina- tion of the care of lamps, thermostats and regulators, and the fine efficiency of these hovers attracted much attention from poultry farmers in the vicinity.

Two halves of a ring of ^-in. iron were made by the local blacksmith. The halves

���stakes are driven into the ground, to receive the bolts which hold the halves of the ring together. The bolts also serve to hold the ring securely in position. Two other stakes catch the outer edges of the ring and support it at the right distance from the ground — about 4 in.

Each brooder is first inclosed with wire netting having i-in. mesh, 20 ft. long and I ft. "wjide. This is done for simplicity of operation and ease in controlling the chicks and herding them for the first few days. When the chicks come from the incubators the wire fence is drawn around the hover, one-half of which is raised to permit the chicks to enter. Straw is placed around the outside edge of the hover in layers thick enough to hold in the warmth with- out cutting off the ventilation.

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