Page:Popular Tales of the Germans (Volume 2).djvu/169

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A ſtricter examination of the problem was precluded, by the arrival of the recovered ſervant and poſtilion: of whom the latter teſtified no leſs joy at the ſight of his four horſes in the ſtable, than the former on being ſhewn into the dining-room, and finding his miſtreſs ſafe, and in ſuch comfortable plight. In the exultation of his heart he drew the chief inſtrument of the miſchief out of his pocket, namely, the monſtrous Saracen’s head of the figure in black, which had felled him to the ground, as effectually as the burſting of a bomb. The examination of the head was committed to the phyſician. However, without ſubjecting it to his anatomical knife, he inſtantly recognized it for an huge hollowed gourd filled with ſand and ſtones, and worked up into a very groteſque figure, by the addition of a wooden noſe, and a long flax beard.

The company did not break up till the morning was begining to dawn. The ladies were conducted to ſtate-beds with
