Page:Popular Tales of the Germans (Volume 2).djvu/170

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ſuperb hangings and delicate counterpanes; they had no ſooner ſtretched themſelves upon the down, than a ſound ſleep fell upon them, and the imagination could not even work up the terrifying phantoms that figured in the ghoſt ſtories they had heard, into a puppet-ſhew of terrifying dreams. It was far in the day when mama awaked; ſhe immediately rang for her maid, and rouſed the young ladies, who gaped and ſtretched, and would fain have tried a nap upon the other cheek; but the Counteſs was ſo eager to try the healing powers of the Carlſbad water, that ſhe could not be induced, by the moſt preſſing invitation of her hoſpitable entertainer, to ſtop another day, however deſirous the miſſes were to enjoy the ball, which he promiſed them upon that condition. They therefore prepared for ſetting forward immediately after breakfaſt. In their gratitude for the friendly reception they had experienced in the caſtle of my Lord Giantdale, who did not omit to ac-
