Page:Portland, Oregon, its History and Builders volume 1.djvu/721

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elsewhere. Two conditions peculiar to this region make this possible. First : In this new and developing country the opportunities for investment are such it is possible to obtain on invested funds, better rates of interest on perfectly safe mortgage loans, and with securities increasing in value. Second : It is a well- established fact that the number of deaths per thousand inhabitants in the Pacific northwest is less than in any other region of the United States.

State of the Columbia Life and Trust Company for the year 1909:

Premiums received $ 62,713.79

Interest received i3'655-27

Increase of capital stock 100,000.00

Total $176,369.06

Disbursements, ipop.

Death claims $ 4,000.00

Other payments to policy-holders 2,470.91

Agency expenses (commissions, etc.) 23,416.11

Medical examinations 3.043-io

Salaries of officers and office employees 7y37^-43

Legal taxes 2,732.36

All other disbursements (rent, printing, advertising, stationery, pos- tage, furniture, etc.) 10,502.05

Total disbursements $53,542.96


First mortgage loans $147,945.51

Municipal bonds 21,019.70

Cash on hand and in bank 118,441.60

Loans on collateral 7-538-30

Other admitted assets 3,942.32

Total admitted assets $298,887.43


Legal reserve on policies $ 56,391.34

All other liabilities 697.28

Capital stock 200,000.00

Unassigned funds 41,798.81

Total $298,887.43

New insurance written in 1909 $1,349,631.80

Insurance in force December 31, 1909 $2,435,231.80

The Columbia Life & Trust Company issues only non-participating insurance. Everything in this company's policies is guaranteed. There can be no disappoint- ment among the policy-holders.

It not being the object of this record to criticise plans, but to state the facts of history, it can be freely stated that both of these life insurance companies have been successful from the start. Having wisely taken advantage of the errors of their predecessors in other parts of the country, and also availed themselves of the manifest advantages of investing capital in Oregon, where all the forces and activities of nature, as well as the energies of man, combine to produce profit on the investment of money, it required only good business management and common honesty to make life insurance not only an eminently successful invest- ment, but one most highly to