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all mankind, and offer thee all the outrages and the insults heaped on thee, in satisfaction for all the insult I have done thee by my sins. I give thee thanks also, and I recall to thy mind thy most cruel and excessive scourging, wherein thy whole Body was so gashed and torn that from the sole of thy foot to the top of thy head there was no soundness in thee. I set forth now before thee, likewise, that intolerable agony thou didst feel when the crown of thorns was so harshly forced upon thy kingly Head,when the sharp thorns pierced thy head and thy brow, and were thrust even into thy brain, and thy most gentle loving face, into which the Angels desire to look, was covered with slow-trickling drops of thy roseate Blood. O most pitiful Jesus, I now recall to thy mind the unutterable anguish which thrilled through thy whole Body when thou wast fastened to the cross with iron nails, when thou wast lifted up on high on thy cross, and blasphemed by the Jews, mocked in thy thirst with vinegar and gall, and hung up between two robbers as the refuse and offscouring of all creatures. Lastly, O most gracious Jesus, I recall to thy mind with gratitude and compassion all and each of the sorrows thou didst feel throughout thy whole most sacred Body, and especially in thy sweetest Heart, by reason of thy fore-knowledge