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that thy most bitter, thy most shameful, most guiltless Passion would be of no avail to so many. And then thy deified Heart itself broke with excessive love and grief,and thy most holy Soul quitted thy blessed Body with an inconceivable pang! For all these thy sorrows I give thee infinite thanks; and through thy sweetest Heart, in the power of the Holy Ghost, and on behalf pf and with the love of all creatures, I offer thee all thy grief, and pain, and torment of body and of soul, throughout all the time of thy Passion, for all the sins have committed, for all the good I have left undone or done negligently, and to turn away all the punishment I have so justly deserved. Do thou now vouchsafe to ratify and accept this my oblation, and to absolve me from all my sins. Amen.


In obedience to a divine inspiration, St. Gertrude was wont to salute each member of our Lord which had suffered in his Passion; whenever she did so, a divine splendour appeared to emanate from the sacred members thus saluted, and to irradiate her whole soul. In that splendour she was clothed with that innocence which our Lord acquired for us by the sufferings of that particular member. Wherefore let us not neglect this holy practice, if we would have some part in this blessing.

HAIL,tender Limbs of my Lord Je-