Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/13

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entered the Prison Jan. 22, 1870, and was pardoned and exonerated by Governor John W. Geary, May 19, 1870, making his confinement four months all but four days.

From the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.
(from harrisburg, pa.)

Harrisburg, May 19. The following is the substance of the pardon just issued to Dr. S. M. Landis, of Philadelphia, sentenced to one year's imprisonment for the publication of obscene books.

"And whereas: It has been made known to me by sundry communications, now on file in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, that the book published and sold by the said Simon M. Landis was a medical work, written by himself for the purpose of benefiting the community, and not with the intention, or for the purpose of corrupting or subverting the morals of any one," etc.