Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/18

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and bones are a trinity in the human race that outweighs all the gold, glitter, and petrifying or pickling panaceas on the continent. Try it on and see.

I never fancied hotel boarding, and, especially not this kind, which we guests of the Commonwealth Hot-hell (hotel) get. It is so monotonous-like, and jerked to a fellow, so kind of rudely, through an iron clapper, that it turns the coat of one's stomach, which I hold as being unphysiological.

When the next prayer meeting is held, I wish my persecutors would pray for my release from prison, and act upon it, and have me pardoned; if they will do this much for me, I will try my best to smoke, chew, and snuff tobacco; eat grease by the pound, and drink strong tea, coffee, wine, and schnapps of all sorts; besides swallow some drugs when sick, and pray God to be delivered from the bad effects of this whole catalogue of defiling poisons; with this one considera-