Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/17

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this prison cell whilst these "hard times" last; because, here one is a king, who is clothed, fed, and tutored without bothering about board, tax and rents coming due. I think I will write another book on "Secret" matters when I get out, so I may be re-installed into my old quarters, because "hard times" will last as long as blackmailing and political didoes predominate over sound sense and Christianity!

I always feel more like praising God when I get close to an innocent, natural, beautiful woman; there seems to be a peculiar something in this part of God's work that transports one to the loftier realms! Dear ladies, I advise you to keep your flesh, nerves, bones and blood clean, by freely using pure air, pure water, pure food, and I assure you, you will not neglect or miss the balance of the real needs and graces which draw one toward you in spite of oneself.

Solid and fully developed nerves, flesh,