Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/16

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mently clutching my pocket book until he is gone out of sight.

If wives want to retain the love of their husbands, let them learn to cook and act healthfully, keeping "growed-up," instead of made-up, in bodily charms, when the magnetic attraction will rivet them together as one, indivisible flesh!

Now-a-days a man is "made," (no matter how he lives,) when he has grown old, ugly, and selfish enough to possess more than his share of this world's goods—when his purse is heavier than his brains—and with this tin reputation he can wheedle an influence, and command a respectability that must be nauseating to the Almighty himself. It was the power of this metallic conscience that sent me to prison for telling such jolly truths. But, as the Dutchman says, "We are a great peoples!"

I rather think it is an advantage to be in