Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/33

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The pious old judge who sat on the bench in my trial, at a given point of my counsel's argument, interrupted him and said, "Is this book on the Secrets of Generation, a part of Dr. Landis' doctrines of his church?" To which I might here answer his honor, that if his parents had observed the fixed laws that that book taught, their son would have had more sense than to turn the holiest function of maternity into ridicule, and esteem it a good joke for a man who sits in judgment over his fellows.

There is a holiness in just indignation which far surpasses smooth-tongued hypocrisy.

Some people think they are very smart and profoundly wise, when (in total ignorance of a true Physiology) they assert that "what you eat has nothing to do with piety or Christianity." However, it has everything to do with it. First, did not sin come into the world by partaking of poisonous aliment;3