Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/34

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and, secondly, can a fruit tree bring forth perfect fruit that is not fed upon proper earth and elements? Christianity is the fruit of the tree,—the developed spirit,—which had to depend upon the physical body for its completion! Such people would do well to shut pan and save themselves from exposing their stupidity and ignorance.

All the sectarian world says, I am crazy; and I say, all the sectarian world is insane or knavish—and they having the majority put me into this prison cell.

If I could make a slipper out of my keeper, I might quietly pass out of this cell in my stocking feet.

People often speak of charitable acts, when they most cruelly cheat human nature of its vitalizing properties; for instance, to be kind to a spoiled child, thereby encouraging him to go on in his wickedness would be cruel, most uncharitable; whereas, to