Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/38

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happy, act to make others likewise, which will secure you the hallowed boon!

Modern "Popular Sovereignty" bears upon its daily marred banners—"every man for himself and the devil catch the hindermost;" which Progressive Christianity reverses, as follows:—God and all mankind in unison, and the devil take the selfish fellow who tries to get ahead of this natural band of the elect or righteous!

The narrowest, smallest, meanest mind is the one who sees the man or woman in the exterior make-up,—dress and fashionable fixings,—and neglects to think of the habiliments of the inner man or woman!

As God forgives a penitent sinner or criminal, and Christ came to save or redeem the repentant, why cannot man take a hint and do likewise? We reputed criminals must be locked up in unnatural, filthy cells, whilst our superiors, who should possess more