Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/39

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of the attributes of God than we., are this moment chiming their Sabbath bells for holy worship, whilst we, who most need piety, can go unexhorted. This looks a little paradoxical. Wake up, old vipers.

I wonder what verdict and ruling my honorable Court, (who condescended to notice me in my prerogatives,) would pronounce upon natural nudity, were she (the Court) dropped down into old Eden, where Adam and Eve were naked, and where "wicked and lewd passions," such as his honor acknowledged they possessed, did not exist? Can any "Public" or private "Ledger," inform the prisoner; which would be no more difficult, than were the predictions of this oracle in publishing the "thanks of the whole people" for my incarceration. A man must truly be great, when the thanks of the whole people are bestowed upon him! And that without blackmailing! I am nattered and feel jubilant. Try again, Sweet Saints!