Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/49

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sions" such as were quoted, or spoken originally by Judge P——. "The law prohibits the publication or sale of anything which tends to excite in us wicked and lewd passions." He acknowledged to possess such wantonness, but we had none of it, had Ave, Miss Jones? No, sir. I suppose it is owing to our plain living, and simple, natural lives in this God-created country; but man makes the cities; and the habits of these fashionable Christians, like Judge P——, naturally make them artificial and lewd! Yes, that must be it. Oh, what a pity for such misled people! You are right.

I hear people lamenting and dreading old age. Oh, if they only were young again. To me this is a puzzle, I long for old age; for the sere and yellow leaf; for the gentle passage toward the close of a ripe old age, mellowing and dying, blessing and blessed; and passing from earthly to heavenly spheres, where the angel hosts, and friends and kindred all, who did not dread old age, will