Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/50

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meet to part no more. It is the most glorious thought of my life; and when I reflect on my severe labors, trials, and persecutions, I rejoice that sooner or later I shall retire from this tumultuous world, and go to rest amidst the bosoms of the blessed, where Father, Son, and Whole or Holy Spirit ever adorn the countenances of the faithful. For I dearly love beautiful countenances.

The best and noblest quality that the mind can possess is sincerity; the next to this is willingness to learn and obey the truth.

Good and great minds will not strike a man when he is down, when he is confined in a felon's cell, or after the battle is won. Magnanimity enters freely into the composition of good metal, which will attract immaculate and lofty conception:

"I" know nothing outside of myself; therefore, those who know nothing inside or out-