Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/57

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honest (?) Jurymen would not have sent him there! As for prejudice, in this age, convicting a man who is innocent is beyond belief; so then, grin and bear, until your time expires, unless the Executive should be honest enough to rise above party and prejudice and set you free. This is all true, but curiously insignificant so long as you are not the victim. Wait awhile, may be your turn comes next, for you are not safe under such tyranny, no matter how pure and innocent!

What do the people think a person is after; or what can be the motives of him, who opposes vehemently the useless, abusive, false customs of their choice? He cannot be after their influence, nor their money, nor their goodwill; because, to attain such would require an opposite course of action. There is only one answer to this question, and that is, that he has risen above self and bigotry, and seeing the perilous condition of society, he labors to save them from pain, desolation and