Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/58

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damnation,—he is imitating the example of Jesus, to heal the sick and teach them how to obtain a natural, blissful career here, and a sure election to the hallowed realms of eternal life! In Scripture parlance, he is endeavoring to teach mankind to "first seek the kingdom of God" when all else that is necessary will be added thereunto, whether it be lucre, raiment, food, or other concomitant of a godly life. God understands and loves him, because he keeps an eye single or pure to the normal welfare of His children; thereby glorifies God!

The professed Christian who is afraid to die, for fear of going to hell, does not understand God, neither does he love and live-out Jehovah's fixed laws, or this nonsense and dread of going into the spheres above would be exchanged for love to go hence!

A Religious Paper says: "One of our correspondents proposes to furnish a few articles on Dr. Diehl's comments on Christ's