Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/59

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Descent into Hell." Would it not be wiser and better if these saints would learn to comprehend Christ's practical sermons on the mountain, and keep their mouths, stomachs, teeth, bones, flesh, nerves, brains, and blood clean, and trust the rest to God? Otherwise we fear when they "descend into hell," they will be so filthy, slippery, and heavy that they cannot rise again, but must remain and roast!

It is better for a man to cultivate a taste for beautiful feminine arms, busts, legs, and faces, than for rum, tobacco, gross feeding, laziness and indifference to his salvation.

As much as I am opposed to fighting, I am fully convinced that "Prize Fighters" have given us better lessons for physical development, than gormandizing and sad-countenanced ministers, who suffer from preachers' sore throats, dyspepsia and consumption. I advise the latter to use a little more fistication.