Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/71

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the door to the apothecarys' and doctors' pockets; besides, being mentally dyspeptics at twelve or fifteen, which opens the door to the parsons and God-dictators, and having now started in respectable, modest, fashionable, civilized business-life, all you need do is, to trust to, and blame on God the results, and follow your own feelings, no matter if your "nerves of feeling" are half drunk, half dead, half fool, half pickled, half befuddled, or entirely defunct, as long as a spark of life remains, stir it up with a fiery hot medicated poker (Cayenne Pepper, Corrosive Sublimate, Potash, or sich), but remember, that you blame it all, every bit of it, on God!

Christ, the truth, or nature, or life, or the inner man heals every wound and ill that flesh is heir to, provided usable, compatible, natural agencies (not poisons) and influences are used to make conditions favorable for the living or Christ-powers to work