Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/72

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upon. Likewise did Jesus and his Apostles, as we do, heal the sick without drugs. What sectarian church follows the example of their Master? Modern Spiritualists claim to heal by "laying on hands," but that is a small part of the work, so long as they do not teach and restrict their patients and sinners to live upon the pure "fruits of the earth for meat." "Laying on of hands" may energize the nerves and do some good, but to say that it rebuilds or remodels the bodily structures, and making them solid and sound, without recourse to natural food and drink, is as great a farce as Sectarian Faith-Talk. You might as well go to the weaver, who fills up the warp with silken woof, and get the Spiritualist to lay his hands on the silken woof, or food, or filling, and say, Presto, change into cotton, as to say, Swallow pork, grease, spices, tobacco, etc., and heal, which means rebuild, or grow sound bodily tissues. Have ye eyes; then see and act like men, not fools? A combination of right things will do the work alone!