Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/74

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lic Ledger" gloried that I would have hours for "reflection and meditation" during ray incarceration, but lamented that I was not sent to the Penitentiary; and now I will take him at his "glory," and "reflect and meditate" honestly aver the acts of the Proprietor of this oracle, hoping that he will pardon me if I shall be compelled to tread upon his toes.

If he is a moral man he would scarcely grow so fat in wealth by the earnings of the poor, charging (those who can scarcely rake and scrape enough money together to keep a shanty over their heads and buy a crust of bread) twenty to twenty-five cents a line for an advertisement, which he should give to them for five cents a line. No wonder he swims in filthy lucre, and builds himself a castle costing one hundred thousand dollars; and splurges and shows off now and then in a left-handed donation of a few thousand dollars to "get glory of men," etc. How does my "reflection and meditation" suit the man who would not advertise ray lawful