Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/75

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business, but could editorially spread falsehoods about me after I was in Prison? This is morality and piety at a vengeance! God forgive him, or Hell may burn him, lucre, castle, and all to cinders.

If this "Public Ledger" man had been as magnanimous as wealthy, he would not have struck a poor, struggling, honest Reformer, nor falsely accused him of being a "child murderer" after he was down, in Prison, and could not defend himself; trying thereby to disgrace and injure this innocent man and wife, and their defenceless children! But his peculiar morality allows anything that money can buy or cover up. Such are my "reflections and meditations;" whether there is any logic in my deductions, I am willing the reader shall decide for himself, with this observance—that I pity such soft-headed moral fools!

Charity begins at home, but where is home, sweet, sweet home? In heaven, or in true happiness. Then our charities must