Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/76

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go all over the land, amongst the nations, because a few cannot make true happiness on this earth, but many combined in well-doing can. This seems a paradox, and in opposition to the few who shall only find the narrow path that leads to heaven. Yes, yes, but you must remember when the wicked, hollow, shrivelled spirit leaves this mortal coil it is sent to spheres that are separated from happy realms, hence they can no more chew tobacco and spit the filth unto good people, nor puff the vile fumes of the hellish weed into purified faces; neither can they contaminate the heavenly atmosphere with fashionable perfumes and stinks which would render foul and unhappy the purest saintly attributes. It is charity to all mankind to expose the truth, however hard it may hit sinners! Hypocrisy and flattery are not charity, but cruelty; neither is blackmailing to save a scoundrel from chastisement a charity, but an injury, because it only emboldens him.