Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/78

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mind upon hypocrites, and you will not fail to find mountains of them! Yaw wole.

Good nonsense is often better sense than what is accepted as common sense. The latter is seldom sound sense as the world goes. It is but common sense, if I love a beautiful damsel, that I should be allowed to embrace her, but sound sense says, nay. It is common, however, for men to attempt just such sense, and they often succeed where sound sense cries against the act; especially if the fellow has a good wife and children at home, whom he neglects.

I am in favor of "Woman's Rights," since I saw so many pimps in Court during my trial. These demons were on the alert for every word that had any reference to the chaste and loving sex, and the moment they would catch a word that could have any bearing upon the holiest functions, and most vital organs of Mothers, they snickered, grinned and laughed. The Judge himself