Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/79

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endeavored to get off several jokes at the expense of women, and the District Attorney found my book too "filthy and obscene to go upon the records of the honorable Court," as if sexual organs, and child bearing, and womb complaints, etc., etc., were proper matters to record in Court. The "Obscenity" of the thing was to bring such matters into a Court that is composed of "wicked and lewd passioned" men, who forget that their own mothers were women; hence, I deem it imperative to have such masculine cattle driven from Court Rooms and place women there, who I am convinced would appreciate and comprehend God's mechanism, and the concomitant matters of maternity, far better, and would not badger female witnesses as did that District Attorney and his associates. Woman must be the "coming man," or we are gone up spout.

He who interprets the Bible in such a manner as to make it conflict with the great fixed Law of Nature is a false expounder of