Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/86

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overwhelming open enemy, they slink away like whipped curs, and dissemble and whimper like innocent lambs. No wonder Jesus despised their ways: we ditto!

Judge Chase writes me: "Dr. Landis,—Shame will visit the Judge in his grave, who occupied the bench during your trial. He acted as Court, Prosecuting Attorney and Jury. I would rather be a Dr. Landis, than a Judge ——. Pray for his conversion, and forgive the man who disgraced himself and his office." I freely forgive him, and I hope God will have mercy on him, as he needs it.

When a scoundrel in office commits a crime, violates the law in his official capacity, and inflicts the penalty upon his fellows, which by right belongs on his shoulders, he chuckles and glories in his villany, and assumes a virtue that insults every angel in heaven and good man on earth; whereas the imps join him in his delight.