Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/87

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It actually seems to be the delight of this people to make one-another unhappy, instead of loving one-another!

The piety which fears that open discussion will draw its followers away from it, is rotten to the core. Piety, to be sound, must rest in the bosom of truth, and the more you agitate and stir it, the more brilliant it becomes, because it is a precious jewel; but, if that piety is simply a cloak, or make-believe, and you stir it, it will be like unto filth, the more agitated the more it will stink. Vulgar but lofty truths.

It is a very incomprehensible matter to me, how our most refined, fastidious and sanctimonious professors of Christianity can object to the use of plain, vulgar or common language. Jesus used no other, and he did not hesitate in calling a liar—a liar. And he often used such words as stink, fool, viper, hell, damnation, hypocrites, pharisees, circumcision, womb, whore, dog, swine,