Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/92

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My persecution was sprung upon me with great force, when I began, about six years since, the agitation of the Sunday City Car Question. I preached, lectured and wrote in favor of our street cars running on Sundays, until I got them to run, and this was the first fire which I kindled in the sweet bosoms of the Sabbatarians; but, since the cars run, they all ride in them; however, they forget to thank me for forcing this Christian charity and convenience upon them. They are short-sighted and short-memoried. These are the lambs who conspired to arrest and imprison me.

Christians should not become persecutors, nor tormentors; but, they ought to be the saviours of the fallen, and forgiving the penitent sinner, as God forgave them when they became Christians! Is this sound logic; does it chime with the teachings of Christ, Truth and sound sense, or is it vague and valueless? Saints of Sectarianism, will you be kind enough to answer me through