Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/93

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your oracle, the "Philadelphia Public Ledger?" I am a poor convict, and wish to be converted to the genuine Gospel!

Feelings change with the change of bodily structures. A person who feeds on Eden Fruits will think and feel naturally, hence, godly. A person who feeds on a plain animal and vegetable diet, will think less and feel more than is strictly natural. And a person who feeds on a highly seasoned, concentrated, gaily barbecued, and chiefly animal diet, does not think at all, he only feels; and that feeling is unnatural, barbarous and swinish. The latter prefers plenty of money, to be able to buy plenty of sensual food, and neither scruples at, nor detests, plenty of women; and pays preachers, doctors and lawyers to do his thinking, but he is sure to do all his own feeling! And very sickly and lewd be it.

The devil loves to be genteel, smooth-tongued, oily and sleek, because these are