Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/94

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the best baits that he can use in angling in this terrestrial pool of corruption and mock modesty. He finds that they bite so well with these baits that he sometimes gets tired out with handling the hosts of suckers that so greedily swallow the dainty bites.

My Prison-keeper thinks that my "scrape I got myself into, by getting into prison," will injure me so much that I wont be able to do any business, or draw any audiences, for years to come. We'll see about that, when I get out and about again. My idea is otherwise, but I may be mistaken; there is no telling.

My enemies were really so ignorant as to have supposed that a mock trial and malicious imprisonment would disgrace me so as to cause my ruination; but, I will handle them in such a manner for this outrage as to astonish their ignorance and impudence. With their equals this will hold good, but I consider it a vice to have their good will, and therefore care not for it.