Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/100

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The issues of thy way.
From this rock first
Set thou thy face toward the East, and tread
Fields no man ever plough'd, until thou reach
The roving Scythians, them that have their homes
Woven, uplift from earth, on running wheels, 710
Men that bear bows and find far quarry: these
Approach not near, but ever keep thy steps
Hard by the reefs that break the thundering sea,
And so pass that land through. On the left hand
Habit the iron-workers, Chalybes,
Of whom beware, for they are barbarous,
And give their guests ill greeting. And thou shalt come
To a river Violent, named not amiss,
Which pass not over,—hard it is to pass,—
Till to the Mount itself of Caucasus
Thou 'rt come, the hill highest on earth, whereon
The river spuming vents to the air his might 720
Even from the mountain's forehead. There ascend

Those brows that jut against the stars, and follow