Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/99

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Pain of pain, and fear of fear, and ill of ill!
O Fate! O Fate! I shudder. Spare!
What means it, Io so should fare?


Lo now, how soon thou breakest out, and showest
As one fulfill'd of fear! hold, till the rest
Be also shown thee.


Speak: be all delivered!
To them afflicted this is joy, to know
Beforehand all the process of their pain.


Thy former suit it cost thee little labour 700
To win from me. First thy will was to hearken,
While she that stands here set forth all the conflict
Wherein she is taken. Now attend the rest,
What things at Hera's hand this damsel yet
Must bear: and thou, O seed of Inachos,

Hide in thy heart my words, that thou may'st learn