Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/130

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Lest ye hear, and your sense it suddenly reave,
The roar of the thunder unsparing.


Find other utterance, such exhorting
As I shall heed: this word ill-sorting,
That hath 'scaped thy lips, to hearken were shame to me:
A thing so base how dost thou name to me?
With my friend I am fixèd to bear the worst:
Traitors of old I abominate.
No evil accurst
Do I spit from me with such hate! 1070


Yet warnèd ye are; nowise forget,
Nor, when ye are taken in Mischief's net,
Cry out on fortune, or loose the thought
That into calamity undivined
Zeus cast you: nay, but yourselves have wrought

Your own undoing, for well aware,