Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/131

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Not suddenly, not by a hidden snare,
Into doom without limit or loosing ye fare,
Mesh'd by perverseness of mind!

[Hermes departs. Thunder and lightning.]


Ay sooth in deed, and in word no more,
Earth smitten springs!
Through the nether passages rolls the roar
Of thunder; the lightnings run in curls
Of scrabbled fire, and the dust up-whirls
His eddying pillars: winds break free
And leap to battle together, disclosing
High contention of blasts opposing,
Wind with wind; and the sky and sea
In broils are mingled and blusterings.
For the arm is bared of the God most high
With onrush of tempest and terror to fold me.

O holy name of my Mother, O sky,