Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/70

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I see, Prometheus, and am fain to teach thee,
Though manifold in wit, the better way.
First, know thyself; get thee another fashion
Of thoughts; another King bears rule in Heaven. 310
But if thou fling such grievous-girding speech,
Edged iron, Zeus, for all he sit so high,
May haply hear and make the measure of wrath,
Wherewith thou art exercised as now, a jest.
Nay, poor my friend, let not these heats possess thee;
Rail not against thy lot but seek to mend it.
A threadbare wisdom mine may chance be rated:
So be it: only see, Prometheus, what are
The wages of a tongue that speaks great things.
But thou not yet art chasten'd, stiff as ever, 320
And goest about to add new woes to old.
Nay, nay, if I may be thy teacher, never
Shalt thou lift heel against the pricks; for, look,
One rules, who spares not, lord without compeer,

And none can say to him, "What doest thou?"