Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/71

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And now I go and use my best endeavour,
If I may compass thy reprieve, and thou
Meantime be still, nor give thy utterance course
To run in flood unpent; for knowest thou not,
So wise above thy fellows, this true rede,—
The loose tongue unto loss is near indeed?


I count thee happy that thou standest clear 330
This day of my offence, though thou hadst part,—
Was it not so?—in all my enterprise.
Nay, good, let be: give not thyself these pains.
Be sure thou wilt not move him: ah, that heart
Not easy is to move! Rather look shrewdly
Lest thou thyself get hurt from such a quest.


Of a truth more skill thou hast for others' use
Than for thine own: I need no witnesses
Of this, save mine eyes only. Now I bid thee

By no means let me in my going forth.