Page:Prose Specimens for Translation into German (1862).djvu/239

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My opponent had already arrived[1]; we took up the pistols and I shot him dead.

In as much as it could not be my object[2] to send still more Zitzerlings into the other world, I resolved, hoping[3] to be quite safe in my native country[4] from[5] the relatives of those already perished[6], to leave the continent altogether; I therefore went[7] to Calais, embarked and arrived safely[8] in Dover. In reality[9] it also appeared[10] as if the relations[11] or at least their knowledge of my differences with the family did not extend[12] as far as[13] London; for I lived here some time quite undisturbed[14] by the Zitzerlings. Once however as I was engaged at Lloyd’s coffee-rooms at a game of chess[15], I accidentally looked up[16] and became so confused[17] through a young man opposite who did not cease staring at me for a moment[18], that I made[19] a false move in consequence and my whole otherwise excellent game became imperilled[20].

“Sir,” said[21] I jumping up, “why do you stare at me thus incessantly[22]?”

“Your pardon,” said he, “are you not Mr. Johnson?”

“At your service.”

“Did you not shoot in duel four barons Zitzerling, one at Weimar, one at Vienna, one at Rome and one in Paris?”

  1. war ſchon da.
  2. da mir nichts daran liegen konnte.
  3. in der Hoffnung.
  4. Heimath.
  5. vor.
  6. der bereits Umgekommenen.
  7. to go, ſich begeben.
  8. glücklich.
  9. in der That.
  10. to appear, ſcheinen (“erſcheinen,” to make one’s appearance).
  11. die Berwandtſchaft.
  12. present conjunctive of weichen.
  13. bis.
  14. unangefochten.
  15. als mich eben . . . eine Parthie Schach beſchäftigt.
  16. to look up, in die Höhe blicken.
  17. und werde ſo irre.
  18. der ſeine ſtarren Augen nicht von mir wendet.
  19. present tense of thun.
  20. worüber meine ganze, vortrefflich ſtehende Parthie in Gefahr gerieth.
  21. present tense.
  22. was ſtarren Sie mich . . . an.