Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew vol 1.djvu/90

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french protestant exiles.
John de Williams, born at “Tornes” in France, merchant, and Catherine, his wife; “came hither for the troubles that were in Fraunce;” also, Francis Voison, of Valencia, and his brother, both merchants. (All these were living together, in 1571, in St. Thomas Apostle’s parish, Vintrey Ward, London.)

James Tellomond, born in Valencia, tailor, and Catherine, his wife.

Peter Furry, born in Valencia, weaver.

Peter Pinnforth, Frenchman, and his wife. (In the same house there were with him, in 1571, Baydinge Hockett and his wife, and Denys Hewicke, joiner.)

Martin Broke, Frenchman, and his wife.

Jane de Nova, of Lille, widow.

Francis Marshall, Walloon, merchant, and Jane, his wife.

John Jeffrey, born in Flanders, merchant, and his wife, and his brother, James Jeffrey, merchant; Elizabeth Peters, their maid, and Anthony Caviliar, their man-servant.

Anthony Russell, born in Verwick in Flanders, tailor. (In 1571 he had an English wife, and lodged with Agnes Tolnage, widow.)

Antonatt Adam, widow, Burgundian, silk-weaver, and Sara, Rebecca, Rachel, and Isaac, her children.

Nicolas de Prute, aged 25, born in Valencia, silk-weaver. (In 1571 he had a wife, aged 20.)

John Barley, born under King Philip, aged 38, carver.

Antoine Caronne, Burgundian, aged 31, fustian-weaver, and Catherine, his wife, aged 20.

Nicolas Bassiet, Burgundian, his wife and son.

Elizabeth Chaudren, widow; Allison Chaudren, her sister; and John Kerton, her servant. (In 1568 there were with her, Giles Butler, a dyer; Marie, his wife; and her mother, Francis Brokell.)

Joanne de la Courte, born in Valencienne; she came for religion, and was married in England to James Remy, silk-weaver, a refugee for religion since 1553. In 1570 she was joined by her sister Marie, who “lyveth by workinge wth her nedell.” In 1571 there was in the same house Marie, a poor child whose parents were deceased, and was “kept of alms by the said James Remy.”

Amerie Le Bucke, born in Valencienne, goldsmith (brother of Noe, see 1568).


Guillaume Guppie, born in Rouen, and Barbara, his wife (she came in 1569). He became servant to Mr Jugge, printer.

John Gabie, born in Valencia in Burgundy, silk-weaver, and Joanne, his wife.

John Mansell, Frenchman, carver, and his wife.

Glode Benvois, Frenchman, crossbow-maker.

Christopher Lardenois, Burgundian, goldsmith.

John de la Tour, Burgundian, turner, and Marie, his wife.

Nicolas Garret, cobbler.

James Lemure, born in Artois, goldsmith.

Peter de Bonsquil, born in Flanders, merchant, and Iva, his wife.

John van Hesse, born in Brabant, joiner, member of the French Church.

John Dewie, born at Engye in Henego, and Jeneker, his wife; their trade is making of sackcloth. In 1571 they had two men-servants.

Richard Skilders, born at Engye in Henego, and Thokyn, his wife, sojourners with the said John Dewie. He came into England at Lent 1567, and liveth as a servant by printing with Thomas East, stationer; she came over at Easter, 1568, “and they cam for Relygion, and be of the Frenche Churche.” Guillaume Coppin, a Walloon, silk-weaver, his wife and five children.

Peter de Puis, born in France, stationer. Noel de Puis, his brother, and servant, came in 1571 — sojourner with Marques Stacie. (See 1569.) John Carr, and Jane, his wife, both born at Arras, and three children;” six servants, being Italians and glassmakers, came in 1571 — all of the French Church.

Jacqueline Farriner, widow, born in Tournay, and Ester, her daughter. Denys de Prie, Anthony Guillam, and Peter de la Haye, glassmakers, came in 1569, and sojourn in her house.

Anthony Mare, bookbinder, and John Yarne, joiner, born in Burgundy; “they cam for religion.”

Adrian Preace, leather dyer, servant to Nicolas Deporte.

Margaret Remouth, widow, and Guillaume Harman, her son.