Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew vol 1.djvu/91

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refugees before the st bartholomew massacre.
Mather Champion, surgeon, Catherine, his wife, and Clarette, their daughter, born in Burgundy.

Dominique de la Noy [De Lannoy?], born in Flanders, tailor, and Elizabeth, his wife.

Godfrey Caginon, Cambresian [i.e., native of Cambray], hatband-maker, and Marie, his wife.

Margaret Fountaine, widow, and Phillippes, Palles, Ester, Daniel, and James, her children.

James Diosie and Peter Dellhey.

Robert Patriar, born in Flanders, twister of silk.

Thomas Smith, born in Flanders, turner, and his wife.

Stephen Denys, Burgundian, silk-weaver, and his wife.

Richard Thorne, Burgundian, tailor, and his wife.

John Cles, Burgundian, silk-weaver, and his wife.

Nicolas Delainoy, born in “the lande of Luke,” merchant, and Catherine, his wife, Lewis Bishop, merchant, Joanne, his wife, and David, his son.

John Pitte, of Gaunt, Phillippe, his wife, Marie and Annis, their daughters.

Hugh Bishoppe, Frenchman, merchant. Francis Bishoppe (son of the said Hugh), Gilles, his wife, and John, Ester, and Anne, their children. (In 1571 they had a manservant, a refugee just arrived.)

Lucas van Pieme, of “Ryssell,” in Flanders, merchant.

John Sara, born at Lyons, weaver, Marie, his wife, and Lucretia, his daughter.

Anthonie Henricke, born in Henego in Artois, a twister of silk, Jane, his wife, John, Charles, Catherine, and Susan, his children.

John Debalion, born at Henego, twister of silk, Colin, his wife, and Lorance, his son.

James Bullen, born in France, silk-weaver, aged 56, and his wife, aged 26.

Alexander Muckowe, of Valence, flax-dresser, aged 36, Simona, his wife, aged 26, and John, their son.

John de Boye, of Cambray, fustian weaver, aged 23, and Jane, of Cambray, his wife, aged 34.

John Deverage, born in Armander in Flanders, silk-weaver, and Marie, his wife; he “cam over for religion, and useth to gooe to the Frenche churche.”

John Franklin, born in Armander in Flanders, and Catlinge, his wife; “have ii. children and resorte to the Frenche churche.”

Henry de Campyna, born in Brabant, painter, and Jocan, his wife; “they have ii. children, and a mayde called Joane Bowes, they resorte all to the Frenche churche.”

Adam Hoyat, born in Artoise, parchment maker, Marie, his wife, and one child.

His servants came in 1570 for religion, namely, Charles de Kenne and Jacob Byers, both born in Artois.

Peter Pau, felt-maker, Anne, his wife, and Colet, her mother, “who cam into Eng- lande for religeon,” are sojourners with Adam Hoyat.

Margaret Poumare [Pommare?], of Armentieres, widow, and four children.

Felix Larroue, born at Armentieres, Agnes, his wife, and one child.

Noah Bodoue, silk-weaver, Marie, his wife, and two children.

John de Graves, born in Brabant, joiner, and Hereanne, his wife.

John de Houssey [Houssaye?], born in Valence, gunstock-maker, Jacqueline, his wife, and Marie, their daughter.

Corayne, born in Valencia, liveth by brokery (1571).

Barbara de Latore, silk-weaver, born in Vallance, and Baldwin de Latore, her son.

Ambrose Hughbright, born in Lovaine, civil lawyer.

Lucan Sauen, Walloon, silk-weaver, Jane, his wife, Crispian, Daniel, Judith, and Sara, their children.

Peter Mannock, Walloon, silk-weaver, Jacomyn, his widowed mother, Giles, his brother, and Joanne, his sister.

John Rohe, Walloon, joiner, and Agnes, his wife.

Christian Gnelladie, a Fleming, silk-weaver, Marie, his wife, Phcebe and Anne, his daughters.

Peter Salvage, Walloon silk-weaver.

Jerome Halee, of Lille in Flanders, surgeon, Felix, his wife, and five children.

John Forman, born in Flanders, silk-weaver, Jane, his wife, John, Daniel, and Marie, his children; “came into Englande for feare of the Tyrannye of the Duke of Alva.”

John Rodger, Burgundian, silk-weaver, Madeline, his wife, Nicollo, his son, and Meis Pettiefrey, his apprentice.