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[The Reporter, Lebanon, Ind., January 18, 1895]


Discovered Christian Science

Remarkable Career of Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, Who Has Over One Hundred Thousand Followers

Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, author of its textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” president of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, and first pastor of the Christian Science denomination, is without doubt one of the most remarkable women in America. She has within a few years founded a sect that has over one hundred thousand converts, and very recently saw completed in Boston, as a testimonial to her labors, a handsome fire-proof church that cost two hundred and fifty thousand dollars and was paid for by Christian Scientists all over the country.

Mrs. Eddy asserts that in 1866 she became certain that “all causation was Mind, and every effect a mental phenomenon.” Taking her text from the Bible, she endeavored in vain to find the great curative Principle — the Deity — in philosophy and schools of medicine, and she concluded that the way of salvation demonstrated by Jesus was the power of Truth over all error, sin, sickness, and death. Thus originated the divine or spiritual Science of Mind-healing, which she termed Christian Science. She has a palatial home in Boston and a country-seat in Concord, N. H. The Christian Science Church has a