Page:Pulpit and Press.djvu/91

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membership of four thousand, and eight hundred of the members are Bostonians.

[N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, January 9, 1895]

The idea that Christian Science has declined in popularity is not borne out by the voluntary contribution of a quarter of a million dollars for a memorial church for Mrs. Eddy, the inventor of this cure. The money comes from Christian Science believers exclusively.

[The Post, Syracuse, New York, February 1, 1895]

Do Not Believe She Was Deified

Christian Scientists of Syracuse Surprised at the News
About Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, Founder of the Faith

Christian Scientists in this city, and in fact all over the country, have been startled and greatly discomfited over the announcements in New York papers that Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy, the acknowledged Christian Science Leader, has been exalted by various dignitaries of the faith. . . .

It is well known that Mrs. Eddy has resigned herself completely to the study and foundation of the faith to which many thousands throughout the United States are now so entirely devoted. By her followers and cobelievers she is unquestionably looked upon as having a divine mission to