Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/15

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Plate Page

I. Plan and Sections, to illustrate Mr. H. Bauerman's Geological Reconnaissance in Arabia Petraea. 17

II. Menevian Trilobites, to illustrate Messrs. salter and Hick's paper. III.

IV. V. VI. Plans and Sections, to illustrate Mr. A. Tylor's paper on Quaternary Gravels. 57 VII. VIII. IX.

X. Structure of Sigillaria, to illustrate Mr. W. Carruther's paper on that subject. 248

XI. Pholiderpeton Scutigerum, to illustrate Prof. Huxley's paper on a new Labyrinthodont from Bradford. 309

XII. Upper Jaw of Megalosaurus, to illustrate Prof. Huxley's paper on that subject. 311

XIII. Map of Parts of Sutherland and Caithness, to illustrate the Rev. J.M. Joass's paper on the Sutherland Gold-field. 314

XIV. Fossil plants and Insects, to illustrate Mr. W.H. Baily's paper on Plant-remains from Antrim. 357 XV.

XVI. Large Saurian Humerus from Kimmeridge, to illustrate Mr. J.W. Hulke's paper on that subject. 386

XVII. Lower Jaw, Nostril, and Vertebrae of Steneosaurus, to illustrate Mr. J.W. Hulke's paper on a Gavial-like Saurian from Kimmeridge Bay. 390 XVIII.

XIX. Acrodontosaurus Gardneri, to illustrate Mr. J. Wood Mason's paper on a new Acrodont Saurian from the Lower Chalk. 442

XX. Map of Norfolk Rivers, to illustrate Mr. J.W. Flower's paper on the Distribution of Flint Implements in the Drift. 449