Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/16

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Page xxxvi, line 21 from bottom, for Hereford read Sleaford.

„ 18, line 25, for gigantea read squamosa.

„ 21, line 18 from bottom, for gigantea read squamosa.

„ 23, lines 12 and 20 from bottom, for Hussied read Husseid.

„ 23, line 19 from bottom, for Bukel read Birket.

„ 25, lines 8, 15, and 23, for Gamnal read Gammal.

„ 31, line 12, for conchoidal read conoidal.

„ 38, line 10 from bottom, for Fall read Bath.

„ 41, line 16 from bottom, for cuneiform read cruciform.

„ 44, line 12, for Accumulation read A circulation.

„ 44, line 23, for Jerzoch read Jenzsch.

„ 44, line 8 from bottom, for Nagh el Bader read Nagb el Bedra.

„ 45, line 5, line 9 from bottom, and in note, for Nagh el Bader read Nagb el Bedra.

„ 61, last line of description of figure, for pentagraph read pantograph.

„ 62, line 4 from bottom, for 4 read 5.

„ 63, line 11, for 3 read 5.

„ 63, line 19 from bottom, /or 5 read 4.

„ 63, line 13 from bottom, for irver read river.

,, 70, line 9 from bottom, and

„ 71, line 19, after H insert Plate V.

„ 76, line 9, for (C) read (E).

„ 77, line 19, after gravel add and alluvium.

,, 78, line 9, after B insert fig. 9.

„ 79, line 1, for is read slopes.

„ 86, line 4, after d add fig. 17.

„ 86, line 12, for 19 read 17, and for YI. read VIII.

„ 124, line 4, dele A.

„ 128, line 6 from bottom, for Rohertsonii read Rohertsoni.

„ 173, second footnote, for ii. read xi.

„ 191, line 8 from bottom, for 280 feet read about 200 feet.

„ 215, line 2 from bottom, for underlying read later than the.

„ 252, footnote, last line but one, for Calamopity read Calamopitys.

„ 383, line 4 from bottom, dele and.

„ 400, first footnote, for Mason Wood read Wood Mason.

„ 406, line 12, for rainfull read rainfall.

„ 432, line 4, after Kent insert Surrey.