Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/327

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Gumhel, C. W. Geognostische Beschreibung des ostbayerischen Grenz- gebirges, oder des bayerischen und oberpfalzer Waldgebirges. Mit Atlas. Gotha, 1868.

Hall, J. Notes upon the Geology of some parts of Minnesota. 1866.

—. Notes on the Genus Paloeaster.

—. Observations on Spirifera.

Hyatt, A. Fossil Cephalopods of the Museum.

Jeffreys, J. Gwyn. Last Report on Dredging among the Shetland Islands. 1868.

Koenen, A. von. Ueber die unter-oligocane Tertiarfauna vom Aralsee. Moscow, 1868.

Lyman, T. Illustrated Catalogue of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. No. 1. Ophiuridae and Astrophytidae. Cambridge, 1865. Presented by Sir Charles Lyell.

Marcou, J. Le Dyas au Nebraska. 1867.

Distribution geographique de l'Or et de l'Argent aux Etats- Unis et dans les Canadas. 1867.

Sur divers armes, outils et traces de l'Homme Americain. 1866. (2 copies.)

Notice sur les Cartes Geologiques de Victoria (Australie) et des iles Britanniques. 1868.

Marsh, O. C. Observations on the Metamorphosis of Siredon into Amblystoma. 1868.

Memoirs of the Melbourne Museum. Descriptive Catalogue of the Mining, Metallurgical, Geological, and Agricultural Models in the National Museum, Melbourne. Presented by the Director, Professor M'Coy.

Morris, J. H. Report on the Administration of the Central Provinces of India. 1867-68.

New York State Cabinet of Natural History. Reports XVI.-XX. (1863-68). Presented by the Board of Regents.

New York State Library. Reports. 1863-67.

Parsons, W. Geological Table.

Pessina, L. G. Quistioni Naturali e Ricerche Meteorologiche. Naples, 1866.

—. Quistioni Naturali e Ricerche Meteorologiche. Eruzioni Vulcaniche e Tremuoti. Naples, 1868.