Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/328

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Pourtales, L. de. Contributions to the Fauna of the Gulf-stream. 1868.

Reynes, P. Essai de Geologie et de Paleontologie Aveyronnaises. 1868.

Royal College of Surgeons of England. Calendar. July 9th, 1868.

Victoria. Reports of the Mining Surveyors and Registrars, June 1868. Presented by the Government of Victoria.

Royal Institution of Great Britain. Additions to the Library, 1867-68.

Sumner, C. Speech on the cession of Russian America to the United States. 1867.

Tchihatcheff, P. de. Une page sur l'Orient. Presented by Sir R. I. Murchison.

Teale, James. A Dynamical Theory of the Universe. 1868.

Topley, W. On the Lower Cretaceous Beds of the Bas Boulonnais, 1868.

— Notes on the Physical Geography of East Yorkshire. 1866.

Trautschold, H. Die Meteoriten des Mineraliencabinets der kais. Ackerbau- und Forstakademie zu Petrowskoje Rasamowskoje. Moscow, 1868.

War Office. Index to the War Office Library. August to October. 1868.

Zigno, A. de. Descrizione di alcune Cicadeacee fossili nell' Alpi Venete. 1868.


Abich, H. Geologische Beobachtungen auf Reisen in den Gebirgslandern zwischen Kur und Araxes. 1867.

Geological Survey of California. Palaeontology. Vol. II. Section I. Part I. Tertiary Invertebrate Fossils, by W. M. Gabb.

Owen, R. Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of Vertebrates. Vol. III. 1868.

Reeve, L. Conchologia Iconica. Monographs of Aplustrum, Akera, Bulla, Dolabella, Dolabrifera, Galatea, Haminia, Hydatina, Iridina, Mycetopus, Pleiodon, and Unio.