Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/609

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Caratal, section from Las Tablas to, 347.

Carboniferous anticlinal in North Wales, 180.

Carbonaceous deposits in cretaceous rocks, 242, 243.

Carboniferous rocks, Lower, the evidence of a ridge of, crossing the plain of Cheshire beneath the Trias, 171, 178; supposed structure of the, under the Cheshire plain, 180.

Carentonian stage, 239, 241, 244, 246.

Carnforth and Lancaster, drifts between, 415.

Carrickfergus, flint flakes from, 48. Carrion Hill, decaying granite of, 275.

Carrock Fell, felstone-porphyry of, 438.

Carruthers, Mr. W., on the structure and affinities of Sigillaria and allied genera, 248.

Carstone, 188 ; fossils of the, 189.

Cascajo, 339, 340.

Casley cutting, decay of granite near, 278.

Castleford, course of the Aire to, from Bingley, 61.

Caves, table of Mammalia from, 195.

Cayton-gill beds, 294.

Celestine, on the occurrence of, in the Nummulitic Limestone of Egypt,40.

Cerro de Sal, 256.

Chagford, spheroidal masses of granite near, 278.

Chalk, Lower, new Acrodont Saurian from the, 442.

Chalk, Red, of Hunstanton, 185 ; and gault, comparison of composition of, 190.

Chaly, Wady, 26.

Chamile, Wady, 31, 32.

Charente, Cretaceous rocks of the, 239 ; section of the Cretaceous beds of the, 240.

Cheesering, 279.

Chehkiang, Tungting series in, 131.

Cheshire, on the evidences of a ridge of Lower Carboniferous rocks crossing the plain of, beneath the Trias, 171, 178 ; section through the central plain of, 181.

Chile lodes in the Caratal gold-fields, 338.

China, notes on the geology of, with more especial reference to the provinces of the Lower Yangtse, 119 ; superficial deposits of, 134.

Chinese cosmogony, 134.

Chung-shan, iron-ore in the, 127 ; section of, near Nanking, 130.

Chung-shan series, 129.

Cinn-preas Burn, occurrence of gold in, 322.

Clacton, age of the deposit at, 212.

Clare, Graptolites occurring in, 160.

Clark, Mr. G. T., on the basalt-dykes of the mainland of India opposite to the islands of Bombay and Salsette, 163.

Climate, glacial, Mr. Murphy on the nature and cause of the, 350; post- glacial, 214.

Coal-beds at Pah-hwei-miau, section of, 124.

Coal-mines of Kaianoma, in the island of Yezo, 254.

Coal of the Tungting series, 126 ; of the Chung-shan series, 130.

Cognac, section through, 240.

Combe rock at Brighton, 79.

Concan, basalt dykes of the, 164.

Congleton, section across the anticlinal of the river Dane near, 178.

Coniacian stage, 239, 241, 246.

Conocoryphe bufo, 52.

-applanata, 53.

-? humerosa, 54.

Consumption death-rate, connexion of the geological structure and physical features of the south-east of of England with the, 431.

Contorted sand and gravel near Ulverstone, 421 ; in the Furness peninsula, 422.

Copper-ores of Hastings county, Canada West, 271.

Copper -works at Nash, 29.

Coquand, M. H., the Cretaceous strata of England and the north of France compared with those of the west, south-west, and south of France and north of Africa, 237.

Corinna lode in the Caratal gold-field, 337.

Cottingley Beck, section at, 65.

Crask Bridge, granite and trap in mica-schist above, 320.

Crayford, lower brick-earth, at, 212.

Crayford pit, sections in, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94.

Cretaceous rocks of Arabia Petraea, 36 ; of Sinai, fossils from the, 44.

Cretaceous strata of England and the north of France compared with those of the west, south-west, and south of France and north of Africa, 237.

Crystals, pseudomorphous, of chloride of sodium in the "Waterstone